Wednesday, November 4, 2009

First 366 words of Nanowrimo project

Samuel woke up, “What was the point?” he wondered. “No job to go to, no jobs to find, and him and his girlfriend Ana were living with his mom again. Seriously, what is the point of even getting up, this sucked!” In frustration Sam, threw a pillow, it seemed to move in slow motion as his eyes adjusted to the light, there was a loud clang as it nailed one of the swords hanging on the wall above the various brickabrack on cabinets and shelves.

Ana woke up beside him exclaiming “What the…”. “Sam explained, “oh, it’s nothing I just tripped when I was trying to get up.” “How do you trip a pillow into the wall?’

“Oh, you saw that huh?” , Sam smiled.

“Yeah, I saw that”.

The room filled with a sound of metal scraping on plaster, Ana and Sam looked in horror as the end of the sword cut loose from the wall. It swung through the book shelves and cabinets carving a path of carnage and destruction through the various action figures, Fantasy art, and role playing books. The sword which was originally designed to be wielded by a Samurai to carve through legions of Mongol hordes was now carving through legions of Wookies from Star Wars, Orcs from World of Warcraft, and splitting a spiderman figure right in two. At the end of its path the sword released from the wall. The sword sailed through air, towards Ana’s collection of stuffed animals, a piercing scream filled the room as the sword found its destination, impaled through the head of a stuffed Koala Ana had owned since she was 3.

“Shit”, Sam exclaimed.

Ana’s screaming didn’t cease as she began to beat on Sam with pillows, sheets, blankets, other stuffed animals, and her fists. “What the hell is wrong with you!”, she screamed at him.

“It was an accident”, Sam yelled as he retreated from the room, tripping over laundry, the remains of the koala and casualties from the Wookie massacre.

“Thank God Mom isn’t home”, Sam thought. “I have been getting enough grief from her already about finding work and working on around the house, I can’t use any more.”

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