Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nanowrimo Plan

I have started a Nanowrimo journal and have built an outline which includes the first chapter of the book. The novel is well on its way to completion and I haven't even started writing yet! Awesome.

Things I have found that are really working:
  • Work on the outline or journal about the book a little bit every day
  • Talk to someone about the story every day
  • Base the characters and personalities on people I know - this really helps with preparation. The characters are still mine but I can base them on aspects of personalities I really understand rather then having to create them myself.
How will this help me with Ballard?
A friend asked me if taking Nanowrimo will de-rail me from Ballard. That danger is real, I have enjoyed the break from Ballard but I fully plan on finishing it so I need to plan for a return once Nanowrimo is over. What will help me with Ballard is the writing practice. I was writing Ballard in a completely non-linear way that was making the story confusing even to me, by practicing some outlining structure I can order some of that mess and build some stories behind it. Plus since my friend challenged me to complete it I have to return to it. :) Thank you Augusto.

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