Monday, August 10, 2009

A new excerpt - A near trip into the void.

It felt good to get a small bit of writing done tonight. Just a clip of something new but it is interesting to me so I will write into it every onece in a while.

Ballard opened the wooden door to the study hoping to see the one he would ultimately marry but unfortunately it was bare. Bare wasn’t the word, as it was gone; completely absent from the world, from the universe. He looked out upon a blank slate as if the world were erased leaving nothing but blank canvas. Canvas might not have been the best word as this area of space where the study of the Acrocia mansion was, was now completely empty, he looked out thorough the doorway to a barren field of white as if he was looking out through a portal into another world.

He closed his eyes and prepared to step into the void when he felt a hand upon his shoulder. “Ballard old boy!” the voice exclaimed. Ballard opened his eyes only to see the view of the study before him, him with one foot in the entryway and one foot into what was...nothing. He shook his head around only to see the jolly mustachioed grin of Elden Acrocia.

“Ballard it is good to see you!” exclaimed Elden. “Are you here to see Emily?”
Ballard, still jostled by his experience with the nothingness he was about to step into merely nodded and grunted a “uhhuh”. Emily was the reason he came here, the only reason he would ever come to this place.

“Well I am sorry my friend but she is not here. She hasn’t been here for a few days.” Said Elden

“What!?”, said Ballard “not here?, that’s impossible I left her here yesterday!”
Elden wrinkled his brow in frustration, “That can’t be my friend, she is visiting her brother and has been absent from the estate since Tuesday. If you like I can ring her for you.”

Ballard shook his head, if this is the case he wouldn’t want anyone to think he was losing it. “Well I must be thinking of last week, the late nights I have been working are taking their toll on me I guess.”

“Well you are always welcome to use the guest bed my friend, will you be staying?”

“No, not tonight Elden I will have to pass, much to do as usual.” Ballard shook Elden’s hand and left to his car.

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