Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to Procrastinate through Writing

A friend of mine commented on my writing the other day. She said that I don't have any resistance to writing. Wow, no resistance to writing, I wish that were true. Writing for me is the hardest thing to do, I never write, I have been working on a book for several years and have barely scratched a dent in it, in fact my progress consists of a file drawer full of notebooks filled with scrawl; most of which has nothing to do with the book.

I queried my friend about why she would make a comment like that and she pointed out that I write regularly to my blog, I write long forum posts and responses on the forums I post to, and I write well. Wow, maybe I don't have as much resistance to writing after all.

Another friend of mine told me how Stephen King get's over his writer's block (I don't know how true this is but I think it is a cool story). My friend explained that Stephen King, when asked about how he deals with resistance to writing explained that he writes two books at a time. The interviewer thought this was King saying that he not only isn't affected by writers block, he can handle two books at once which most author's couldn't. When the interviewer confronted King with this idea, King explained that yes, he writes two books:

One book that he wants to write, and one book that he writes when he doesn't want to write the book he wants to write.

The blogs and posts have been like this for me. I enjoy writing to them and they have created value for me, I still have the novel in the background that I do want to finish someday but I am creating value in the meantime and I am grateful for that. My novel, instead of creating stress for me is creating creative energy that Iam funneling into other projects.

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